BioSpeech specialized in the science of speech therapy and development of speech technology. Their task was to build a game that incorporated the science, but my task was to visually make their speech therapy game fun, simple and accessible to children.
The experts at BioSpeech came to me with a lot of back-end thinking and information flow but had no concept for the game they were asked to develop. I worked with an illustrator to conceptualize and design the “Nemies,” a group of colorful, shape-based characters that were modeled after the sounds of different phonemes (units of sound) in the English language.
Initial concept options
Many users of the Nemies game are young children on the autism spectrum who often are color blind and need simple visuals cues. As we worked on our concepts we kept coming back that need and making sure our design served the user.
Final UI design – gameplay view
Final character set